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10 Powerful JavaScript Animation Libraries for Engaging User Experiences

Xiuer Old 66

Animation. A great way to stand out from the crowd and grab your visitors’ attention. Through creative object movement and smooth page transitions, we not only add a unique aesthetic to our website, but also increase user engagement and create an unforgettable first impression.

With these 10 powerful JavaScript libraries, creating animations couldn’t be easier. Scroll animations, handwriting animations, SPA page transitions, typing animations, color animations, SVG animations…their capabilities are endless.

1. Anime.js

Address: https://animejs.com/

Anime.js has over 43,000 stars on GitHub and is one of the most popular animation libraries.

It is a lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple API that can be used to animate CSS properties, SVG, DOM properties, and JavaScript objects. Using Anime.js, we can play, pause, restart or reverse animations. The library also provides amazing features to animate multiple elements with following and overlapping actions. The library also contains various animation-related events that we can listen to using callbacks and promises.

2. Lottie

Address: https://airbnb.io/lottie/

Lottie is a library that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported in JSON format using the Bodymovin plug-in and renders them natively on mobile and web applications. This eliminates the need for users to manually recreate advanced animations created in After Effects by professional designers. The web version alone has over 27k stars on GitHub.

3. Velocity

Address: http://velocityjs.org/

With Velocity, you can create color animations, transforms, loops, eases, SVG animations, and more. It uses the $.animate()same API as the methods in the jQuery library, and can integrate with jQuery if it is available. This library provides gradient, scrolling and sliding effects. In addition to being able to control the animation's duration and delay, you…