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3 ways to learn Angular Framework in 2023

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The Angular Developer RoadMap

Hello guys, if you want to learn Angular framework for web development in 2023 but not sure how and where to start then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared best Angular courses, books, tutorials, and interview questions and in this article, I will share how to learn Angular from scratch in 2023.

If you don’t know, Angular is Type-Script based frontend framework that is used to create single-page web applications. Angular has been active in the web development community for a long time. It is one of the first frontend JavaScript frameworks.

Despite the emergence of frameworks and libraries like React and Vue, Angular has managed to maintain its position as one of the top frontend frameworks. There are many reasons for that. Some of them are two-way data binding, declarative UI, TypeScript, modular structure, and easy testing.

But learning Angular is not easy. One of the reasons why Angular is tough to learn is its huge size. There are so many things in Angular and several approaches to solve a single problem. Another major reason is TypeScript. Learning TypeScript is not easy because it is not that developer-friendly.

Learning Angular in 2022 is a very good choice because it is popular and Angular developers are paid high salaries. If you want to learn a framework like Angular, then you should find better resources for it. In this article, we will list the top 3 ways to learn Angular.

By the way, If you are just starting on Angular, then I highly recommend you to start with The Angular Complete Guide course by Maximilian SchwarzMuller and AcadMind on Udemy. I learned Angular from same course and it is one of the best and most affordable course to learn Angular online.

best course to learn Angular in depth

How to Learn Angular Framework for Web Development in Depth

Here are the 3 main ways to learn Angular framework for web development in depth

1. Angular books

Angular, being a huge framework, has many concepts. Books are great to learn Angular because, with books, you can dive deep into every concept.

ng-book: The Complete Guide to Angular is one of the best books if you want to learn Angular in detail. With over six hundred pages, this book is written and contributed by several Angular experts. It contains everything in detail but in a simplified way. So if you want to learn Angular in detail, this book is for you.

Before jumping to Angular, you must know TypeScript as well. if you want to learn TypeScript, then “Learning TypeScript” written by Remo H. Jansen is the book for you.

2. Angular courses

There are unlimited free as well as paid courses available online to learn Angular. We will list some of the best courses here.

Angular — The Complete Guide (2023 Edition) is one of the best courses available online to learn Angular. It is a huge course with total video content of nearly thirty-five hours.

It starts from the very basics of Angular and covers all the important topics such as components, data binding, directives, service injections, routing, and more. Moreover, this course is always updated and it is a project-based course.

Along with MongoDB, Node.js, and Express.js, Angular is an integral part of the MEAN software development stack. So learning the MEAN stack will make you a full-stack web developer. If you want to learn the MEAN stack, then you can choose Angular & NodeJS — The MEAN Stack Guide [2023 Edition].

And, if you need free online courses to start with then you can also checkout this list of 10 free Angular courses for beginner. It contains best free online courses you can join to learn Angular in 2023.

3. Angular projects

Once you have completed Angular training and have good knowledge of Angular framework then you should go for building projects. When you build project, you will apply all the knowledge you have learned and this way you will learn them better, find the gaps and also fill them.

If you are looking for Angular project ideas, don’t worry, I am going to list some project ideas for your Angular project.

As Angular is a front-end framework, you should start with building some basic front-end web projects. Following is the list of frontend Angular projects that you can build once you are done learning it.

  • Notepad app
  • Calculator
  • Digital clock
  • Tic tac toe game
  • Weather app

After creating some basic Angular projects, you should try building full-stack projects using Angular. The best option is to build an App using the MEAN stack.

An E-commerce application is a very good option to build using the MERN stack. The Complete Angular Developer in 2023: Zero to Mastery is another course which will teach you to build projects using Angular.

Other good options are social media applications or some kind of news application that uses external APIs. Remember, you should try to use other technologies with Angular and also try to make the project more attractive.

Wrapping it up

That’s all about how to learn Angular framework in 2023. Angular is a huge framework and it requires a considerable amount of time and effort to learn. But learning Angular is worth it because it is popular and Angular developers are paid very well. It is used all around the world for building single-page applications.

In this article, we listed top books as well as courses that you can choose from to learn Angular from the basics. We also provided an excellent course to learn the MEAN software development stack. Then, we listed some projects according to your level. You can start building these projects once you are done learning Angular.

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these best Angular resources and my approach of learning Angular framework, then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P. S. — If you are looking for Frontend certification then I also suggest you to checkout Meta’s Frontend and Backend developer certificates where you will not only learn web development basics but also learn React.js as a frontend development framework.