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5 Tricky Issues With React

Xiuer Old 87

5 Tricky Issues With React

Xiuer Old
JavaScript in Plain English
8 min read19 hours ago


What is render hijacking?

In React, render hijacking usually refers to modifying or interfering with the rendering behavior of the component through some technical means during the component rendering process. This can be used to implement various functions such as performance optimization, state management, error handling, etc. Renderhijacking is an advanced technique that often requires a deep understanding of React’s inner workings and lifecycle methods.

Here are some common renderjacking techniques and use cases:

  1. Higher-Order Components (HOCs): HOCs are a technology that wraps a component and changes its rendering behavior by accepting a component and returning a function of a new component. Through HOCs, you can add new functions, such as logging, permission control, data acquisition, etc., without modifying the original components.
  2. Render Props: Render Props is a technology that encapsulates the rendering logic of a component in a function and passes this function to the component as a prop. This allows the component’s rendering behavior to be customized by passing different functions, thereby enabling rendering hijacking.
  3. Context API: React’s Context API allows you to share data across the component tree, which can be used to hijack rendering and pass state or configuration information between components.
  4. Hooks: React Hooks (such as useState, useEffect, etc.) allow you to handle state and side effects in functional components. This can also be regarded as a way of rendering hijacking, because you can change the rendering logic without changing the component structure. .
  5. Error Boundaries: React’s error boundaries are a rendering hijacking mechanism that allows you to make errors in child components without affecting the rendering of the entire application.

Here is an example of render hijacking:

  1. Render Props: Pass rendering logic by using a specifically named function or component as a child component inside the component. The parent component can execute custom logic inside the child component and pass the results to the child component’s rendering.
class RenderPropComponent extends React.Component {
render() {