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6 Proven Ways to Speed up Slow Web Apps

Shalitha Suranga 189

6 Proven Ways to Speed up Slow Web Apps

Boosting web app performance by network, CPU, and memory optimizations

Shalitha Suranga
Level Up Coding
Published in
8 min read2 days ago


Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash, edited with Canva

After the digitization of physical business entities, the golden era of web app development has started. Every business entity, including giant financial organizations, e-commerce stores, and healthcare organizations began offering internet-based, automated services via web apps that run on mobile and desktop devices. Apart from the business entity’s reputation, quality determines the success of the particular web app. Web app quality typically depends on app performance, user-friendliness, support, and stability.

Performance is a major non-functional factor that helps us improve the quality of a web app. A web app with good performance metrics typically runs smoothly on all supported devices by efficiently using the user’s network, CPU, and physical memory resources. Reducing network requests (and payload sizes) is not the only solution for a web app performance boost — optimal CPU and RAM usage also improves web app performance metrics.

In this story, I’ll explain how to improve web app performance metrics by efficiently using the network, CPU, and RAM. I’ll use practical generic examples for each point so that you can use these performance enhancement tips in any web app regardless of its tech stack, size, or domain. Speed up any slow web app with these performance improvement tips!

Rethink About Your Digital Resources and Their Formats

It’s possible to develop a web app without embedding any multimedia files, but we often have to embed them to implement functional requirements, improve usability, and satisfy branding requirements. For example, most web apps include logos, icons, photos (i.e., profile images), tutorial videos, etc. These resources typically use more network bandwidth than web app source files. So, when your app embeds more multimedia items, it affects web app performance depending on how those resources are loaded. So, using multimedia items only if they are strictly needed is a great way to improve web app performance. Minimal use of multimedia saves network bandwidth and CPU-RAM usage required for the web app.