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7 Advanced TypeScript Tips to Improve Your Coding Game

Farhan Tanvir 83

Photo by Blake Connally on Unsplash

“Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it’s bad.” — Cory House

In the vast ocean of programming, TypeScript appears as a beacon, illuminating the murky waters of JavaScript with powerful tools and type safety. However, as Cory House suggests, the complexity of our code lies in its simplicity and clarity. And to achieve this nuanced sophistication of TypeScript, it’s essential to embrace its more advanced aspects. Are you ready for a journey into the deeper waters of TypeScript? Let’s get to work!

1. Template Literal Types

type Status = "success" | "failure";
type ServerResponse = `${Status}-response`;

Want your types to be as expressive as your code? Time to jazz them up with Template Literal Types. Introduced in TypeScript 4.1, Template Literal Types are a fun twist on type definitions. They allow you to build a type dynamically using string concatenation. Now you can have types that are as fun and expressive as you are.

2. Key Remapping in Mapped Types

type Employee = { firstName: string, lastName: string };
type ModifiedEmployee = { [K in keyof Employee as `super_${K}`]: Employee[K] };

Change is the only constant, right? Key remapping lets your object types evolve without breaking your entire codebase. Think of this like facial reconstruction for your object types. They still have the same properties deep down, but now they can have a whole new identity to fit into new scenarios.

3. Recursive Type Aliases

type Tree<T> = {
value: T;
children?: Tree<T>[];

Recursive Type Aliases make navigating through complex nested data structures as easy as pie. Think of this as a “Russian Doll” but for types. One layer leads to another, and you can describe infinitely nested structures like trees and linked lists with grace and poise.

4. Advanced Tuple Types

type Point = [x: number, y: number, z?: number];
const origin: Point = [0, 0];