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Advanced Dependency Handling Techniques : The Power of @Self and @Optional in Angular Dependency…

Astrit Shuli 79

Advanced Dependency Handling Techniques: The Power of @Self and @Optional in Angular Dependency Injection

Astrit Shuli
JavaScript in Plain English
4 min read2 days ago


Advanced Dependency Handling Techniques : The Power of Self and Optional in Angular Dependency Injection: Photo By @itsastritshuli
Advanced Dependency Handling Techniques : The Power of @Self and @Optional in Angular Dependency Injection: Photo By Astrit Shuli. Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik

In Angular, managing dependencies between components is a crucial part of building robust and maintainable applications. Often, you need to request dependencies from the current element while gracefully handling scenarios where a required dependency might not be available. This is where the @Self and @Optional decorators come into play. In this article, we'll explore how to use @Self and @Optional in Angular to request a dependency from the current element and, if it's not found, gracefully fall back to an optional dependency.

Understanding @Self and @Optional

Angular provides a variety of decorators to help manage dependencies effectively. Two of the decorators that play a significant role in dependency injection are @Self and @Optional.

  1. @Self:

The @Self decorator instructs Angular to look for a dependency at the current element level.

  • It restricts Angular to search for the required dependency within the current component’s injector tree.
  • If the dependency is not found at the current element, Angular does not search higher in the injector tree but instead returns null.

2. @Optional:

  • The @Optional decorator specifies that a dependency is optional. If the requested dependency is not found, Angular will not throw an error but return null.

Combining @Self and @Optional

When you combine @Self and @Optional, you create a robust mechanism for requesting a dependency from the current element while allowing for fallback to an optional dependency. This is particularly useful in scenarios where you need to handle a missing dependency gracefully.

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To illustrate the use of @Self and @Optional, let's walk through some practical examples.

Example 1: Requesting an Optional Service

Suppose you have a component that needs an optional logging service. If the service is available, you want to use it, but you don’t want to throw an error if it’s not present. Here’s how you can achieve this using @Self and @Optional:

import { Component, Optional, Self } from '@angular/core';
import { LoggingService } from './logging.service';

selector: 'app-example',
template: '<div>{{ logMessage }}</div>',
export class ExampleComponent {
logMessage: string;

constructor(@Optional() @Self() private logger: LoggingService) {
if (this.logger) {
this.logMessage = this.logger.log('Component initialized');
} else {
this.logMessage = 'Logging service not available';

In this example, the @Self decorator ensures that Angular looks for the LoggingService within the component's injector tree. The @Optional decorator indicates that the logger dependency is optional. If the service is available, the component logs a message; otherwise, it gracefully handles the absence of the service.

Example 2: Requesting a Parent Component

Imagine a scenario where you want to access a parent component instance only if it’s available. You can use @Self and @Optional in this situation as well:

import { Component, Optional, Self } from '@angular/core';

selector: 'app-child',
template: '<div>{{ parentValue }}</div>',
export class ChildComponent {
parentValue: string;

constructor(@Optional() @Self() private parent: ParentComponent) {
if (this.parent) {
this.parentValue = this.parent.getValue();
} else {
this.parentValue = 'Parent component not found';

selector: 'app-parent',
template: '<app-child></app-child>',
export class ParentComponent {
getValue() {
return 'Value from the parent component';

In this example, the ChildComponent requests a ParentComponent using @Self and @Optional. If the parent component is available, it retrieves a value from it; otherwise, it handles the absence gracefully.

Example 3: Requesting a Directive

Sometimes, you may want to request a directive that’s applied to the same element as your component. You can achieve this by using @Self and @Optional. In this example, we'll request a custom directive called appHighlightDirective:

import { Component, Directive, ElementRef, Optional, Self } from '@angular/core';

selector: '[appHighlight]',
export class HighlightDirective {
constructor(private el: ElementRef) {
el.nativeElement.style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';

selector: 'app-example',
template: '<div appHighlight>{{ highlightedText }}</div>',
export class ExampleComponent {
highlightedText: string;

constructor(@Optional() @Self() private highlightDirective: HighlightDirective) {
if (this.highlightDirective) {
this.highlightedText = 'This text is highlighted';
} else {
this.highlightedText = 'Highlighting directive not applied';

In this example, the ExampleComponent uses @Self and @Optional to request the HighlightDirective that's applied to the same element. If the directive is present, it highlights the text; otherwise, it gracefully handles the absence of the directive.

Example 4: Requesting an Optional Injectable

You may also need to request an optional injectable service. Here’s an example where a component requests an optional configuration service:

import { Component, Injectable, Optional, Self } from '@angular/core';

export class ConfigService {
getConfig(): string {
return 'Configuration data';

selector: 'app-example',
template: '<div>{{ configData }}</div>',
export class ExampleComponent {
configData: string;

constructor(@Optional() @Self() private configService: ConfigService) {
if (this.configService) {
this.configData = this.configService.getConfig();
} else {
this.configData = 'Configuration service not available';

In this case, the ExampleComponent uses @Self and @Optional to request the ConfigService. If the service is available, it fetches and displays the configuration data; otherwise, it handles the absence of the service gracefully.


@Self and @Optional decorators in Angular offer a flexible and robust way to handle dependencies, especially when you need to request dependencies from the current element and provide fallback options when they are not present. By leveraging these decorators in various scenarios, you can build more resilient and maintainable Angular applications.

In Plain English

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