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Automatic Application Deployment Using Bitbucket Pipelines

Oleh Teslenko 44

Automatic Application Deployment Using Bitbucket Pipelines

Oleh Teslenko
Level Up Coding
Published in
6 min readJun 17


If you want to automate your routine working days this article is for you. You can find my experience using Bitbucket pipelines for Angular applications and Node.js servers there. But you can use these instructions for any project and any language. So let's go deeper.

What are Bitbucket pipelines?

Bitbucket Pipelines is a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) platform provided by Atlassian. It is tightly integrated with the Bitbucket Cloud repository hosting service and allows developers to automate various tasks, such as building, testing, and deploying their applications.

In simple terms, Bitbucket Pipelines provides a way to define a series of steps or actions that are executed whenever changes are made to a repository. These steps are defined in a configuration file called “bitbucket-pipelines.yml” which resides in the root of the repository.

Bitbucket Pipelines uses Docker images, which means your builds are consistent and reliable. You won’t have to worry about weird environment issues anymore. Just specify the Node.js version you want, add your dependencies, and let it do its magic.

Here is an example of “bitbucket-pipelines.yml”:

Angular CI/CD

First of all, you need to have a repository with your Angular application on Bitbucket. In your repository, you can find the “Pipelines” tab in the sidebar. On the “Pipelines” page you would be able to create the first “bitbucket-pipelines.yml” template.

pipelines page
The pipelines page

Now you need to add the next code to your template: