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Demystifying Mutexes in Go (Golang): Safeguarding Concurrency with sync.Mutex

Radhakishan Surwase 90

Demystifying Mutexes in Go (Golang): Safeguarding Concurrency with sync.Mutex

In Go (Golang), mutexes are used to provide synchronization between concurrent goroutines to prevent data races and ensure that only one goroutine can access a shared resource at a time. Mutex stands for “mutual exclusion,” and it allows you to control access to shared resources safely.

Radhakishan Surwase
Level Up Coding
Published in
3 min read16 hours ago


Photo by Max Duzij on Unsplash


Concurrency is a fundamental aspect of modern software development, and Go (Golang) makes it easier with its powerful concurrency model. To ensure safe concurrent access to shared resources, Go provides mutexes, short for “mutual exclusion.” In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of mutexes in Go, exploring how they work internally and when to use them effectively.

Mutex Structure

At its core, Go’s standard library employs the sync package, featuring the sync.Mutex type. This type is the linchpin for implementing mutual exclusion. The sync.Mutex is a simple structure, housing an internal integer field called “state.” This field is pivotal in representing the locked or unlocked status of the mutex.


When a goroutine desires to acquire a lock on a mutex (via mutex.Lock()), it initiates by inspecting the state field. If the state is 0, signaling that the mutex is unoccupied, the goroutine proceeds to set the state to a non-zero value, indicating its lock, and continues execution within the critical section of code.


Upon calling mutex.Unlock(), a goroutine, resets the state to 0. This action signifies that the mutex is now unoccupied, allowing other goroutines to gain access.

Contending Goroutines

In scenarios where multiple goroutines endeavor to acquire a locked mutex simultaneously, they are placed in a queue. Here, they contend for the lock in a fair manner, with the runtime managing the queue to guarantee equitable access (following a first-come, first-serve principle).
