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Demystifying Web Development Architectural Patterns: MVC vs. MVVM

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Demystifying Web Development Architectural Patterns: MVC vs. MVVM

Level Up Coding
Published in
8 min read5 hours ago


With practical code examples for a hands-on understanding


If you’re a web developer, you’ve probably encountered numerous articles comparing architectural patterns like Model-View-Controller (MVC) and Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM). If you’re still seeking a clear understanding of these patterns, you’re in the right place.

These patterns are modern client-server architectural approaches that dictate how we organise code in the presentation layer, which represents the front-end of our client-server applications. Their primary goal is to separate presentation concerns, application processing logic, and data management functions, promoting a structured and modular approach to software design.

In this article, we’ll demystify these patterns, offering practical code examples and a detailed comparison. Whether you’re seeking a clear understanding of these patterns or deciding which one suits your project, you’re in the right place.

MVC Model (Model-View-Controller)

The MVC pattern focuses on the organisation and structure of code within an application, emphasising the separation of concerns. It divides the app into three primary components:


  • Responsibilities: The Model manages data, data structures, and certain business logic closely tied to data manipulation. It forms the core of the application’s data and functionalities.
  • Examples: Codes containing API calls to the backend for data retrieval and manipulation, the definition of types/interfaces for different data structures, and the implementation of data validation logic.


  • Responsibilities: The View handles the presentation of information and determines how the user interface appears to the user.
  • Examples: Codes defining the structure and layout of the page, such as HTML, and CSS.


  • Responsibilities: The Controller serves as an intermediary layer, coordinating interactions between the Model and View.
  • Examples: Code that manages user input, initiates…