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Embracing New Methods and Concepts: A Developer’s Journey to Growth

Hamid Azim Shah 76

Hey there, fellow devs! Ever found yourself staring at a new coding method or concept, feeling like it’s some sort of cryptic puzzle? And in that moment, you can’t help but think, “Why not stick to the trusty old for loop? It gets the job done, right?”

Overcoming the Urge to Avoid Learning New Concepts

Growing knowedge
Embracing New Methods and Concepts

I used to be just like that. Comfort zones were my best friends. New concepts? Nah, thanks! But then, one day, I had an epiphany. I realized that sticking to what I knew was holding me back. It was like staying on level one of a game when there’s a whole world out there to explore.

So, I decided to break out of that comfort zone. And boy, did it pay off! Let me tell you about a time when I decided to use some nifty libraries and built-in methods instead of my usual for loops. It was a game-changer.

I was working on a personal project, and the task was to process a massive dataset of user profiles, each containing various attributes like name, age, email, and more. My initial approach was to loop through it with a for loop, something like this:

// Using a basic for loop to filter out users below 30 years old
const youngUsers = [];
for (let i = 0; i < userProfiles.length; i++) {
if (userProfiles[i].age < 30) {

It was slow, clunky, and inefficient, especially with a large dataset. That’s when I stumbled upon the JavaScript library Lodash, which had a function tailor-made for my needs. Here’s how Lodash made the task much more efficient:

// Using Lodash to filter out users below 30 years old
const youngUsers = _.filter(userProfiles, (user) => user.age < 30);

With a bit of learning and experimentation, I implemented it, and boom! The project ran like a cheetah on espresso. It was a eureka moment — proof that embracing new methods like Lodash could make a world of difference in processing large datasets efficiently.

Applying New Concepts and Modern Solutions

Fast forward, and I was no longer that developer scared of the unknown. I started using new concepts and modern solutions whenever I could. It was like upgrading my toolkit.

Let me give you another example. Git, the version control system. I used to shy away from it because it seemed complex. But once I dug in, it revolutionized how I collaborated with my team. No more endless email chains or overwritten code — Git made teamwork seamless.

Embracing new methods and concepts wasn’t just about staying trendy; it was about becoming a better developer. It was like finding shortcuts on a marathon, making the journey smoother and more enjoyable.

Conclusion: Seek Efficiency Over Ease

So, here’s my advice to you, my coding comrades: Don’t fear the unknown. Dive in, experiment, and expand your horizons. Trust me; it’s worth it. The next time you’re tempted to stick to the basics, remember that there’s a world of efficient solutions out there waiting for you.

Let’s be developers who embrace growth and improvement. Seek the most efficient way to solve a problem rather than the easiest way. Remember that what seems puzzling at first can lead to extraordinary gains in your coding journey.

Hope you enjoyed reading!