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Exploring Angular — Part 12: HttpClient Module

Șener Ali 57

Exploring Angular — Part 12: HttpClient Module

Șener Ali
Level Up Coding
Published in
3 min read21 hours ago


angular httpclient module
Angular HttpClient Module

If you missed the previous article on Http Requests, you can catch up right here: Exploring Angular — Part 11: Http Requests.

The Essence of Angular HttpClient

Angular’s HttpClient module serves as a bridge that connects your application to external data sources such as APIs, databases, and web services. It simplifies the process of making HTTP requests and handling responses, providing developers with a convenient and efficient way to interact with data.

Key Features of HttpClient

The Angular HttpClient module offers a range of features to streamline the handling of HTTP requests:

1. Simplified Request Handling: HttpClient provides a straightforward API for sending GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests, reducing the complexity of request creation and management.

2. Type Safety: HttpClient allows you to specify the expected response type, enabling TypeScript to provide type checking for response data. This enhances code reliability and prevents runtime errors.

3. Interceptors: Interceptors in HttpClient allow you to modify requests or responses globally. You can use interceptors for tasks such as adding authentication tokens, logging, or error handling.

4. Error Handling: HttpClient simplifies error handling by providing observable error streams. This makes it easier to handle errors consistently across your application.

5. CORS Support: HttpClient automatically handles Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers, making it easier to communicate with external APIs and services.

6. Request Cancellation: You can cancel HTTP requests using observables, preventing unnecessary network traffic and improving performance.

Using HttpClient

To utilize the Angular HttpClient module in your application, follow these steps:

  1. Import the HttpClientModule into your application's module.
  2. Inject the HttpClient service into your components or services where you want to make HTTP requests.
  3. Use the HttpClient methods, such as get(), post(), put(), and delete(), to…