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Exploring Angular — Part 4: Pipes

Șener Ali 167

Exploring Angular — Part 4: Pipes

Șener Ali
Level Up Coding
Published in
3 min read3 hours ago


angular pipes
Angular Pipes

If you missed the previous article on Directives, you can catch up right here: Exploring Angular — Part 3: Directives.

What’s an Angular Pipe?

Imagine an Angular Pipe as a handy tool that takes your data and gives it a makeover before showing it to your users. It’s like adding a bit of magic to your data, making it look better and work smarter.

Different Types of Angular Pipes

Just like there are different tools in a toolbox, there are different types of Angular Pipes. Let’s talk about two main ones:

1. Simple Pipes

Simple pipes are like the everyday tools you use for straightforward jobs. They take your data, do some magic on it, and then show the new and improved data. These pipes are smart because they only do their magic when needed, which makes your website run faster.

For example, think about dates. You can use a simple pipe called DatePipe to show dates in different ways:

{{ someDate | date:'dd/MM/yyyy' }}

2. Advanced Pipes

Advanced pipes are like super tools that do their magic all the time, no matter what. These pipes are helpful when your data needs to change often.

For instance, you can use the AsyncPipe when dealing with things that take a bit of time, like loading data from the internet:

{{ observableData | async }}

Making Your Own Pipes

Sometimes, you need a tool that’s not in the toolbox. That’s when you create your own custom pipe. It’s like inventing your own special tool for your job.

Let’s say you want to make text look fancier by capitalizing the first letter of each word. You can create your own custom pipe for that:

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

name: 'capitalize'
export class CapitalizePipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: string): string {
if (!value) return '';
return value.split(' ').map(word => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)).join(' ');