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Go Text Templates: Advanced Concepts for Dynamic Content

Isuru Harischandra 90

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash


Go, a powerful and versatile programming language, offers excellent support for generating dynamic content and customizing output for users through the text/template package. In this article, we'll explore how to leverage the text/template package to create templates and produce dynamic content. Additionally, we'll discuss its sibling package, html/template, which adds security features and is ideal for generating HTML content.

What are Text Templates in Go?

Go’s text/template package offers a robust templating system that enables the creation of text-based templates with placeholders for dynamic data. These templates are a combination of static text and action tags enclosed in {{...}}. The action tags are directives that control the template's behavior and allow the insertion of dynamic content during execution.

Dynamic Content Generation with text/template:

Let's start by looking at some code snippets to better understand this concept:

package main

import (

func main() {
// Example template creation and execution
t1 := template.New("t1")
t1, err := t1.Parse("Value is {{.}}\n")
if err != nil {

t1 = template.Must(t1.Parse("Value: {{.}}\n"))

t1.Execute(os.Stdout, "some text")
t1.Execute(os.Stdout, 5)
t1.Execute(os.Stdout, []string{

In the code above, we create a template named t1 using template.New("t1"). We then parse the template's body from a string using t1.Parse("Value is {{.}}\n"). The {{.}} action is a placeholder for the value passed as a parameter to Execute.

The template.Must function is used to ensure that the template is parsed without any errors. If Parse returns an error, the program will panic.

By calling t1.Execute, we generate the template's text with specific values for its actions. As shown in the output, the {{.}} action is replaced by the value passed to Execute.

Working with Structs and Maps

Templates are not limited to basic data types. They can also work with structs and maps, allowing us to access fields and key-value pairs. Let’s see an example of using a struct and a map in a template:

package main

import (

func main() {
// Helper function to create templates
Create := func(name, t string) *template.Template {
return template.Must(template.New(name).Parse(t))

// Example using a struct
t2 := Create("t2", "Name: {{.Name}}\n")
t2.Execute(os.Stdout, struct {
Name string
}{"Jane Doe"})

// Example using a map
t2.Execute(os.Stdout, map[string]string{
"Name": "Mickey Mouse",

In this code snippet, we create a helper function named Create to create templates and handle any parsing errors using template.Must.

We define a template named t2 that uses the {{.Name}} action to access the Name field of a struct or map. In the first t2.Execute call, we pass a struct containing the field Name set to "Jane Doe", and in the second call, we pass a map with the key "Name" and value "Mickey Mouse". The template will access and display the respective values.

Conditional Execution and Looping

Templates support conditional execution using if/else blocks and looping through slices, arrays, maps, or channels using range blocks. Let's explore these features:

package main

import (

func main() {
// Helper function to create templates
Create := func(name, t string) *template.Template {
return template.Must(template.New(name).Parse(t))

// Example using if/else block
t3 := Create("t3", "{{if . -}} yes {{else -}} no {{end}}\n")
t3.Execute(os.Stdout, "not empty")
t3.Execute(os.Stdout, "")

// Example using range block
t4 := Create("t4", "Range: {{range .}}{{.}} {{end}}\n")
t4.Execute(os.Stdout, []string{

In the code above, we create two additional templates, t3 and t4, to demonstrate conditional execution and looping.

In the t3 template, we use the {{if . -}} action to check if the value passed is non-empty. If it is, the template will print "yes"; otherwise, it will print "no". The - in the action is used to trim whitespace, resulting in clean output.

In the t4 template, we use the {{range .}}{{.}} {{end}} action to loop through a slice of strings and print each element separated by a space.

Iterating with Range

Photo by Henry & Co. on Unsplash

Go templates provide a convenient way to loop over slices, arrays, maps, or channels using the range action. Let's see how to utilize the range action in a template:

package main

import (

func main() {
programmingLanguagesTemplate := "Popular programming languages: {{range .Languages}}{{.}} {{end}}\n"

tmpl, err := template.New("languages").Parse(programmingLanguagesTemplate)
if err != nil {

data := struct {
Languages []string
Languages: []string{"Go", "Python", "JavaScript", "Java", "C++"},

err = tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, data)
if err != nil {

In this code snippet, we define a template named languages that uses the range action to loop through the list of programming languages in the data and display them in a sentence.

Template Inheritance

Template inheritance allows you to create a base template with common elements and then extend it with specific content for different pages. This enables code reusability and maintainability. Let’s see how to achieve template inheritance:


{{define "base"}}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>{{template "title" .}}</title>
{{template "content" .}}


{{define "title"}}Welcome to My Website{{end}}
{{define "content"}}
<h1>Hello, {{.Name}}!</h1>
<p>Welcome to my website. Enjoy your stay!</p>


package main

import (

func main() {
baseTemplate, err := template.ParseFiles("base.tmpl", "page.tmpl")
if err != nil {

data := struct {
Name string
Name: "John",

err = baseTemplate.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "base", data)
if err != nil {

In this example, we create two template files, base.tmpl and page.tmpl. The base.tmpl serves as the base template, defining the common structure of the HTML page. It uses the {{define}} action to define named template sections for the title and content.

The page.tmpl file uses the {{define}} action to fill in the specific title and content for the page. This template will be embedded into the base template.

In the main.go file, we parse both templates using template.ParseFiles. We then use baseTemplate.ExecuteTemplate to render the final HTML output, which combines the base template and the page-specific content.


With the advanced concepts of text templates in Go, you can unlock a new level of flexibility and power in your dynamic content generation. Custom functions enable you to extend the capabilities of your templates, while template inheritance allows for code reusability and maintainability.

In this article, we explored creating custom functions and implementing template inheritance in Go templates. Armed with these advanced concepts, you can build complex, dynamic content with ease, making your Go applications more robust and user-friendly.

So, embrace the advanced features of text templates and take your Go projects to the next level.

Happy coding!