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Handling Events in React.js: An overview and examples

FardaKarimov 63

In React, event management closely aligns with traditional HTML practices, with a key distinction being the naming of events. React follows a camelCase naming convention as opposed to the all-lowercase convention in HTML. For instance, the HTML onclick event becomes onClick in the React environment.

To manage events in React, you can assign a function as a prop to the component responsible for triggering the event. When the event occurs, React automatically invokes the specified function, passing an event object as a parameter. This function can then access the event data and update the component’s state, leading to a re-render of the user interface.

Here’s an example of how to handle a click event in React:

In the example above, we define a Button component that has a count state and a handleClick function that updates the state when the button is clicked. We pass the handleClick function as a prop to the button element using the onClick attribute. The button’s label displays the current count value.

Event Objects in React

When an event is triggered in React, it generates an event object that contains information about the event. The event object is passed as a parameter to the event handler function. Here are some of the most commonly used properties of the event object:

  • target: the DOM element that triggered the event
  • type: the type of the event, such as click or keydown
  • currentTarget: the element that the event listener is attached to
  • preventDefault: a function that can be called to prevent the default behavior of the event, such as a link opening or a form submitting
  • stopPropagation: a function that can be called to stop the event from propagating to parent elements