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How I created PGPkeygenerator.com: my journey.

Athanasios Emmanouilidis 61

How I created PGPkeygenerator.com: my journey.

Athanasios Emmanouilidis
Level Up Coding
Published in
5 min read1 day ago


https://pgpkeygenerator.com — The PGP keygenerator I created

When I’m not in my daily 9–5 job, I am always thinking about what side-project I can create. This time the idea came from a need I had at work and I decided to create an online PGP key generator.

I liked the idea of a PGP key generator because of my interest in Cybersecurity. Additionally, I have a network of professionals in the field where I could advertise the project.

After visiting many such websites on the web, I considered creating a PGP tool that would encompass everything: PGP key generation, encryption, decryption, signing, and more. However, upon further consideration, I decided to focus solely on key generation. Why? Because it would require less effort, and by narrowing the scope, I believed I could do a better job than others. Furthermore, I could later expand it to include additional functionality and transition it into a new rebranded site that offers all of those features together.

I immediately began searching for a suitable domain name. I aimed for something memorable and closely related to the web app’s purpose. Finding an available domain proved challenging. Nevertheless, I ultimately decided on ‘PGPkeygenerator.com,’ despite its length, because it effectively communicates the website’s purpose.

With the domain name selected, the next step was to begin developing the website. The PGP key generator I had in mind would utilize HTML, CSS, JavaScript and be a simple static page. I favor this kind of architecture for side projects because of their simplicity, fast loading times and security. Another advantage is that hosting them is free — Netlify and Github Pages offer free static webhosting. I fired up Visual Studio Code, created an ‘index.html’ file, and started writing the code.

I spent a considerable amount of time on the design of the webpage. I aimed for a sophisticated yet simple and eye-catching appearance. To achieve this, I incorporated rounded corners and shadows using ‘border-radius’ and ‘box-shadow’ CSS techniques.

I carefully selected a font that would set the site apart from the competition. I paid special attention to text padding, font size, and line-height to ensure readability. It’s amazing how many web developers overlook these crucial elements. Proper padding, font size, and line…