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I Asked ChatGPT How to Become a Millionaire as a Developer

The woman 75

I Asked ChatGPT How to Become a Millionaire as a Developer

An excellent realistic answer was given, as expected…

The woman
JavaScript in Plain English
6 min readApr 11


Photo by Jacob Vizek on Unsplash

My friend Josh and I finished our collage together. Even though we worked at different places, our income and designation were more or less similar. Last year he became a millionaire at the age of 29!

Let me start by asking you this question: Is becoming a millionaire unachievable? The simple answer to this question is no, not indeed. Currently, 51.1 million people are millionaires, which is more than 1% of adults in the global population, according to Moneyzane. Interestingly, roughly half of them live in the U.S. Trust me, not all of them won the lottery or were born with a silver spoon. A study published in 2019 by Wealth-X states that 68% of them with a net worth of more than or equal to $30 million are self-made.

Even though becoming a millionaire is an achievable dream many of us share, it can be challenging if you weren’t born with wealth. Becoming one requires long-term financial planning, hard work, and patience.

So, I asked my ever-longing friend ChatGPT how to become a millionaire like my friend Josh instead of eating Cheetos and watching Netflix all day, and here’s the answer I received. I’ll explain them and relate my observation as well.

Let’s get started.

Gain expertise in a high-demand area

The first recommendation by the AI tool is to develop a high-income skill or start a business, and I couldn’t agree more. And it’s common sense that, in today’s era, if you don’t offer high skills that people are happy to pay for, it’s going to be tough to become wealthy with your day-to-day monotonous job. The key lesson here is to provide solutions to specific problems. For example, can you develop an app that could solve particular problems like wedding management? or can you sell a specific product in a nonexistent demand market? Can you protect a company from potential threats?

If you think you need to polish your skillset, do it as soon as possible. If you’re capable, the next step will be to develop a business model around your skill. You can create a popular app that makes revenue by monetizing it properly. Business and…