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I thought I understood how iteration over an array works but apparently not in Golang

Piotr Jastrzebski 87

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

I’ve recently learned about a surprising Golang behavior. You can significantly speed up the iteration over an array by doing:

sum := int64(0)
for _, v := range &array {
sum += v

instead of:

sum := int64(0)
for _, v := range array {
sum += v

The following code is benchmarking two ways of iterating over an array.

var global int64

func Benchmark(b *testing.B) {
var array [1000000]int64
for i := 0; i < len(array); i++ {
array[i] = rand.Int63n(10)

b.Run("pointer", func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
sum := int64(0)
for _, v := range &array { // we're passing &array instead of array here
sum += v
global = sum // prevent the compiler from optimizing out the loop
b.Run("array", func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
sum := int64(0)
for _, v := range array {
sum += v
global = sum // prevent the compiler from optimizing out the loop

It turns out that depending on the size of the array the first version of the loop which uses a pointer to the array can be up to almost 3 times faster. Below you can see a table summarising benchmark results for different sizes of the array.

As you can see, the bigger the size of the array, the more apparent it becomes that passing the array pointer to for loop is much faster in Golang.

It turns out that for loop in Golang creates a copy of the collection you give it. This means that for _, v := range array creates a copy of the array and iterates over this copy instead of the array itself. By passing &array we make sure that the loop copies only a much smaller pointer.

This can be especially surprising for people coming from languages like C++ or Java where range loops were using iterators to traverse existing collections.

There are other consequences of this behavior than performance. Let’s try to solve a classical dynamic programming problem of unbounded knapsack:

Given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine which items to include in the collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit and the total value is as large as possible.

One possible solution could be the following code that for each weight W computes the maximum value that can be composed of items that total weight equals W.

type item struct {
value int
weight int

func knapsack(items []item, limit int) int {
var dp [10000]int
for idx, v := range dp {
for _, item := range items {
if idx+item.weight <= limit {
if dp[idx+item.weight] < v+item.value {
dp[idx+item.weight] = v + item.value
result := 0
for idx := 0; idx <= limit; idx++ {
if result < dp[idx] {
result = dp[idx]
return result

The solution seems correct at first glance but when we test it with the following code, it prints 6 while the expected result should be 30. The solution is to take item[0] 5 times.

func TestKnapsack(t *testing.T) {
items := []item{
{value: 6, weight: 2},
{value: 3, weight: 2},
{value: 5, weight: 6},
{value: 4, weight: 5},
{value: 6, weight: 4},
limit := 10
t.Log(knapsack(items, limit))

The wrong value is a result of the for loop populating v from a copy of dp obtained before the execution of the loop. At that point dp is filled with 0 so v is equal to 0 for every iteration of the loop. We can easily fix the problem by passing &dp to the for loop and then the result of the test becomes 30. Below you can see the correct code.

type item struct {
value int
weight int

func knapsack(items []item, limit int) int {
var dp [10000]int
for idx, v := range &dp { // Passing pointer here
for _, item := range items {
if idx+item.weight <= limit {
if dp[idx+item.weight] < v+item.value {
dp[idx+item.weight] = v + item.value
result := 0
for idx := 0; idx <= limit; idx++ {
if result < dp[idx] {
result = dp[idx]
return result


It might be surprising but a for loop in Golang creates a copy of the collection it receives and performs the iteration on that copy. This fact has some implications for loops iterating over arrays.

  1. When iterating over an array it’s faster to pass a pointer to that array to the for loop. This prevents the loop from copying the whole array which is beneficial for both CPU and memory usage.
  2. If we want to modify the array while we’re iterating over it, we need to either give a for loop a pointer to that array or to use the array index operator directly.