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Interview Questions for a Go Developer. Part 1: Fundamentals

Aleksandr Gladkikh 86

In the realm of modern software development, the role of a Go developer has become increasingly vital. With the rise of the Go programming language, also known as Golang, developers proficient in this language are sought after for their ability to create efficient, robust, and scalable applications. As organizations harness the power of Go to tackle complex challenges, interviewing potential Go developers has taken on a crucial role in the hiring process.

In this publication, we delve into the world of interviewing Go developers. We will explore a curated set of questions designed to assess a candidate’s technical prowess, problem-solving skills, and understanding of Go’s unique features. Whether you’re a hiring manager aiming to refine your interview process or an aspiring Go developer preparing for an upcoming interview, this collection of questions serves as a valuable resource.

From fundamental concepts to advanced techniques, our compilation covers a spectrum of topics that mirror the diverse landscape of Go development. By immersing yourself in these interview questions, you’ll gain insights into a candidate’s command over core Go principles, concurrency handling, memory management, and much more.

Join us as we embark on a journey to uncover the essence of interviewing Go developers, unraveling the intricacies of this powerful language and its application in the ever-evolving world of software engineering.

  1. What is the `rune` type in Go?

In Go, the `rune` type is an alias for the `int32` type. It is used to represent individual Unicode characters. When working with characters in strings and you need to deal with their numeric codes or their positions in the Unicode encoding, you can use the `rune` type.

Similar to the `byte` type, which is an alias for `uint8`, the `rune` type is an alias for `int32`. This means that each element of the `rune` type represents a 32-bit integer, allowing it to represent any Unicode character.

Example of using the `rune` type in Go:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
var r rune = 'A' // Here, 'A' represents the 'A' character in Unicode
fmt.Println(r) // Output: 65, the numeric code of the 'A' character in Unicode

Additionally, in Go, there is a string literal `”\uXXXX”`, where `XXXX` represents four hexadecimal digits of the Unicode code point of a character. For example, `”\u041F”` represents the character “П” (Cyrillic).

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
s := "\u041F\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442"
for _, r := range s {
fmt.Printf("%c ", r)

The `rune` type is particularly useful when working with text that includes characters from different languages or special characters like emojis.

2. How is int different from uint?

`int` and `uint` are two distinct data types in the Go programming language that represent integer values. They have some differences in how they represent and store numbers.

1. Sign: The primary difference between `int` and `uint` lies in the sign of the numbers. The `int` type can represent both positive and negative numbers, including zero. The `uint` (short for “unsigned int”) type represents only non-negative integers, including zero. Therefore, `uint` cannot store negative values.

2. Size in Bits: The size of the `int` and `uint` types can depend on the architecture and compiler. In general, `int` usually has a size of either 32 or 64 bits, and `uint` also has the same size in bits.


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
var x int = -10
var y uint = 20

fmt.Println(x) // -10
fmt.Println(y) // 20

It’s important to consider that when choosing a data type to store numerical values, you should take into account the range of values you intend to work with. If you only need to store non-negative numbers, `uint` might be a more suitable choice due to the larger range of values it can represent. In other cases, `int` provides a broader range of values by including negative numbers.

3. What is a pointer in Go and why is it needed?

In the Go programming language, a pointer is a variable that holds the memory address of another variable. It points to the location in memory where the value of the variable is stored. Pointers allow working with data outside the scope of the current function and provide more efficient access to data when passing them to functions and structures.

Why pointers are needed:

  1. Passing a Copy of a Value: By default, when arguments are passed to a function in Go, a copy of the value is passed. Using pointers allows passing a copy of the value of a pointer variable, which in turn references the original variable. This enables functions to indirectly modify the original value.
  2. Efficiency: Using pointers can be more efficient than copying large data structures. This helps avoid unnecessary data copying in memory.
  3. Manipulating Data Outside the Current Scope: Pointers enable access to data that is outside the current function or scope.

Example of using pointers in Go:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
x := 10
fmt.Println("Value of x before change:", x)

changeValue(&x) // Pass a pointer to x to the function

fmt.Println("Value of x after change:", x)

func changeValue(ptr *int) {
*ptr = 20 // Modify the value pointed to by the pointer

In this example, the changeValue function takes a pointer to a variable of type int, indirectly modifies the value of the original variable through the pointer, and the change is reflected in the calling function.

Pointers in Go allow for more flexible data management and provide more efficient memory interactions, but they also require careful management to avoid errors such as “nil pointer dereference” (accessing a pointer with a nil value) and "dangling pointers" (pointers pointing to invalid memory locations).

4. How to determine the length of a string in characters in Go?

In Go, you can obtain the length of a string in characters (runes) using the `utf8.RuneCountInString()` function from the `utf8` package. This function allows you to count the number of Unicode characters (runes) in a string, including multi-byte characters such as those from different languages and emojis.

Usage example:

package main

import (

func main() {
str := "Привет, 🌎!"
length := utf8.RuneCountInString(str)
fmt.Printf("String length in characters: %d\n", length)

In this example, the string “Привет, 🌎!” contains 8 characters (5 Cyrillic letters and 3 emojis), and the `utf8.RuneCountInString()` function returns the value 8.

It’s important to remember that in Go, strings are sequences of bytes, and the length of a string in bytes might differ from its length in characters, especially when dealing with multi-byte characters. By using `utf8.RuneCountInString()`, you can accurately determine the number of characters (runes) in a string regardless of their byte size.

5. How does the `range` work with strings in Go?

In Go, iterating over a string using the `range` loop operates in terms of Unicode characters (runes). When you use `range` to iterate over a string, each iteration represents a Unicode character, not an individual byte.

Here’s an example of using `range` to iterate over a string:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
str := "Hello, world!"
for _, char := range str {
fmt.Printf("%c ", char)

In this example, the `range` loop iterates over the string `str`, and in each iteration, the variable `char` represents the current Unicode character. Note that `char` has the type `rune`.

If you want to obtain the bytes of the string instead of characters, you can convert the string into a byte slice and use `range` to iterate over the slice:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
str := "Hello, world!"
bytes := []byte(str)
for _, b := range bytes {
fmt.Printf("%x ", b)

In this case, we converted the string `str` into a byte slice `bytes` using `[]byte(str)`, and now the `range` loop iterates over the bytes of the string.

It’s important to remember that when using `range` with strings, you’ll be working with Unicode characters (runes), which allows you to correctly handle text containing characters from different languages or special symbols.

6. Conversions between strings and numbers in Go.

In Go, to perform conversions between strings and numbers, you can utilize functions and methods from the standard library. Here are some examples of conversions:

  1. Converting a number to a string:
package main

import (

func main() {
num := 42
str := strconv.Itoa(num) // Itoa - int to ASCII
fmt.Printf("Number as a string: %s\n", str)

2. Converting a string to an integer:

package main

import (

func main() {
str := "12345"
num, err := strconv.Atoi(str) // Atoi - ASCII to int
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error during conversion:", err)
fmt.Printf("String as an integer: %d\n", num)

3. Converting a string to a floating-point number:

package main

import (

func main() {
str := "3.14159"
num, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error during conversion:", err)
fmt.Printf("String as a floating-point number: %f\n", num)

Note that the `strconv.Atoi()` and `strconv.ParseFloat()` functions return two values: the numeric value and an error. It’s important to check for errors after the conversion to avoid panics or incorrect results.

This is just a brief overview of the methods for converting between strings and numbers in Go. The standard library also provides other methods for more complex conversion and formatting operations.

7. Package `strings` in Go

The `strings` package is part of the Go standard library and provides a multitude of functions for working with strings. This package includes methods for searching, replacing, splitting, comparing, and manipulating strings. Here are a few examples of functions from the `strings` package:

1. `strings.Contains(s, substr string) bool`: Checks if substring `substr` is present in string `s`.

2. `strings.HasPrefix(s, prefix string) bool`: Checks if string `s` starts with prefix `prefix`.

3. `strings.HasSuffix(s, suffix string) bool`: Checks if string `s` ends with suffix `suffix`.

4. `strings.Index(s, substr string) int`: Returns the index of the first occurrence of substring `substr` in string `s`. If the substring is not found, it returns -1.

5. `strings.Replace(s, old, new string, n int) string`: Replaces `n` occurrences of substring `old` with substring `new` in string `s`.

6. `strings.Split(s, sep string) []string`: Splits string `s` into a slice of substrings using the separator `sep`.

7. `strings.Join(a []string, sep string) string`: Joins a slice of strings `a` into a single string using the separator `sep`.

8. `strings.ToLower(s string) string`: Converts all letters in string `s` to lowercase.

9. `strings.ToUpper(s string) string`: Converts all letters in string `s` to uppercase.

10. `strings.TrimSpace(s string) string`: Removes leading and trailing whitespace from string `s`.

… and many more.

Example of using the `strings` package:

package main

import (

func main() {
str := "Hello, World!"

contains := strings.Contains(str, "World")
fmt.Println("Contains 'World':", contains)

index := strings.Index(str, "o")
fmt.Println("Index of first 'o':", index)

replaced := strings.Replace(str, "o", "0", -1)
fmt.Println("Replaced:", replaced)

split := strings.Split(str, ", ")
fmt.Println("Split:", split)

joined := strings.Join(split, " ")
fmt.Println("Joined:", joined)

This is just a small overview of the functionality provided by the `strings` package. You can use this package to perform a variety of operations on text data in Go.

8. Differences between int, int32, and int64 in Go

In Go, `int`, `int32`, and `int64` are data types designed to represent integers of different sizes. They have different byte sizes and therefore provide different ranges of values.

1. int: The `int` type represents a signed integer whose size depends on the architecture of your system. For example, on most modern systems, `int` usually has a size of 32 bits (4 bytes) or 64 bits (8 bytes).

2. int32: The `int32` type represents a signed 32-bit integer. The value range of `int32` is from -2³¹ to 2³¹ — 1.

3. int64: The `int64` type represents a signed 64-bit integer. The value range of `int64` is from -2⁶³ to 2⁶³ — 1.

The choice of using different integer types depends on your need for value ranges and memory usage requirements. For instance, if you need to store large numbers or process large arrays of data, then `int64` might be a more suitable choice. If the value range is not as critical and you want to conserve memory, then `int32` or even the standard `int` might be sufficient.


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
var a int = 42
var b int32 = 32000
var c int64 = 9000000000

fmt.Println("a:", a)
fmt.Println("b:", b)
fmt.Println("c:", c)

Note that direct assignment of a value from one type to another may require explicit type conversion if they differ. For example, `b = a` in the example above would result in an error since `a` has the type `int` and `b` has the type `int32`.

9. Differences between Arrays and Slices in Go

In Go, arrays and slices are two different data structures for organizing and managing collections of elements. They have significant differences in terms of size, dynamic nature, and use cases. Here are the main differences between arrays and slices:

1. Size and Dynamism:
Arrays: Arrays in Go have a fixed size determined at their creation. This means that the number of elements in an array cannot be changed after its creation. For example, `var arr [5]int` creates an array of 5 elements of type `int`.
Slices: Slices represent dynamically resizable sequences of elements. A slice is created based on an existing array or another slice. They provide a more flexible dynamic data structure, allowing elements to be added or removed.

2. Function Parameter Passing:
Arrays: When an array is passed to a function, the entire array is copied. Changes made inside the function do not affect the original array.
Slices: When a slice is passed to a function, a reference to the same array as the original slice is passed. Changes made inside the function can affect the content of the original slice.

3. Dynamic Modification:
Arrays: The size of an array is fixed and cannot be changed after creation.
Slices: Elements can be added to and removed from a slice using the `append()` and `copy()` functions.

4. Length and Capacity:
Slices: Each slice has a length (number of elements) and a capacity (number of elements that the slice can hold without resizing). The capacity of a slice can dynamically change as elements are added.

5. Creation:
Arrays: Created using the syntax `[N]T`, where `N` is the array size and `T` is the element type.
Slices: Created using the `make()` function or by slicing existing arrays.


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
// Array
var arr [3]int
arr[0] = 1
arr[1] = 2
arr[2] = 3

// Slice
slice := []int{4, 5, 6}
slice = append(slice, 7)

fmt.Println("Array:", arr)
fmt.Println("Slice:", slice)

Arrays and slices have different characteristics and are suited for different scenarios. Slices are commonly used more often due to their dynamism and convenience, but arrays also have their use cases, especially when working with fixed data structures.

10. What is a Slice as a Data Structure?

In the Go programming language, a slice represents a dynamic data structure that provides a convenient way to work with sequences of elements stored in an array. A slice allows you to access parts of an array and dynamically resize it, making it more flexible and convenient for working with data collections.

In essence, a slice consists of three main components:
1. Pointer to an Array: The slice contains a pointer to the first element of the array from which the slice starts.
2. Length: This is the number of elements in the slice.
3. Capacity: This is the number of elements in the underlying array, starting from the first element specified in the slice.

A slice is created based on an existing array or another slice. It provides a dynamic wrapper around an array and allows you to easily change its size, add, and remove elements. The slice itself does not contain the actual elements; it provides a reference to the corresponding memory area in the array.

Example of creating and using a slice:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
// Creating a slice based on an array
array := [5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
slice := array[1:4] // slice contains elements [2, 3, 4]

fmt.Println("Slice:", slice)
fmt.Println("Length of slice:", len(slice))
fmt.Println("Capacity of slice:", cap(slice))

It’s important to remember that changes to a slice can affect the underlying array, as the slice uses its memory. Additionally, when adding elements to a slice, if its capacity is insufficient, Go may automatically allocate a new larger array and copy the elements into it.

Slices are a powerful and essential tool when working with data in Go, and they are widely used for a variety of tasks, including handling lists, stacks, queues, and other data collections.

11. Increasing Slices (copy, append) in Go

In Go, you can use the `copy` and `append` functions to increase the size of slices.

1. `copy`: The `copy` function allows you to copy elements from one slice to another. It returns the number of copied elements.

Example of using `copy`:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
source := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
destination := make([]int, len(source))

numCopied := copy(destination, source)
fmt.Println("Number of copied elements:", numCopied)
fmt.Println("New slice:", destination)

2. `append`: The `append` function is used to add elements to a slice. If the capacity of the slice is insufficient to add new elements, Go will automatically allocate a new larger array and copy the old elements and the new ones into it.

Example of using `append`:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
slice := []int{1, 2, 3}
newElement := 4

// Adding a single element
slice = append(slice, newElement)

fmt.Println("Slice after adding an element:", slice)

// Adding multiple elements
moreElements := []int{5, 6, 7}
slice = append(slice, moreElements...)

fmt.Println("Slice after adding multiple elements:", slice)

Note that in the second example, the notation `moreElements…` is used to pass the contents of the `moreElements` slice as individual arguments to the `append` function.

When working with `append`, if a slice is considered “fully filled” (its length is equal to its capacity), adding a new element will result in allocating a new array with increased capacity and copying the elements. This can be inefficient for frequent appends, so it sometimes makes sense to preallocate sufficient capacity to a slice using the `make` function with the capacity as the second argument.

12. Modifying a slice within a function (using append), will the slice outside change?

Modifying a slice within a function using `append` can potentially change the slice outside the function if the underlying array capacity allows the new elements to be added without requiring a reallocation of memory. In this case, both the original slice and the modified slice will share the same underlying array, and changes made inside the function will be reflected outside the function as well.

However, if the `append` operation causes the underlying array’s capacity to be exceeded, a new underlying array will be allocated, and the modified slice inside the function will no longer share the same underlying array as the original slice. In this case, changes made inside the function will not affect the original slice outside the function.

So, whether the slice outside the function changes or not depends on the capacity of the underlying array and whether a reallocation is needed during the `append` operation.

13. Big-O for all slice and map operations.

The time complexity (Big-O) for operations with slices and maps in the Go programming language can be as follows:


1. Indexing: O(1) — Accessing an element by index is constant time, as slices store a pointer to the start of the underlying array and its length.

2. Appending elements: O(1) on average, but O(n) in the worst case — Appending an element usually takes constant time on average. However, in the worst case, it may involve reallocation and copying of elements to a new array, which could take linear time.

3. Copying a slice: O(n) — Copying all elements from one slice to another takes time proportional to the length of the slice.

4. Deleting an element: O(n) — Deleting an element may require shifting all elements after the deleted element, resulting in linear time complexity.


1. Accessing value by key: O(1) on average — Accessing a value in a map usually takes constant time on average. However, in the worst case (due to collisions), it might increase, but it often remains constant.

2. Adding elements: O(1) on average — Similar to access, adding an element to a map usually takes constant time on average. In some cases, due to rehashing, it might involve linear time.

3. Deleting an element: O(1) on average — Just like other operations, deleting an element from a map is typically constant time.

Note that these time complexities can vary depending on the specific version of Go and the characteristics of your system. Also, keep in mind that using maps or slices with large amounts of data may require more detailed performance analysis to choose the optimal data structure.

14. Removing an Element from a Slice with and without Preserving Order

Removing an Element from a Slice While Preserving Order:

To remove an element from a slice while preserving the order, you can use a loop and indices to copy the elements before and after the element you want to remove.

package main

import "fmt"

func removeElement(slice []int, index int) []int {
return append(slice[:index], slice[index+1:]...)

func main() {
slice := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
indexToRemove := 2 // Remove element with index 2 (value 3)

slice = removeElement(slice, indexToRemove)

fmt.Println("Slice after removing element:", slice)

Removing an Element from a Slice Without Preserving Order:

To remove an element from a slice without preserving the order, you can replace the element you want to remove with the last element of the slice and then truncate the slice.

package main

import "fmt"

func removeElementWithoutOrder(slice []int, index int) []int {
slice[index] = slice[len(slice)-1] // Replace element with the last element
return slice[:len(slice)-1] // Truncate the slice by 1 element

func main() {
slice := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
indexToRemove := 2 // Remove element with index 2 (value 3)

slice = removeElementWithoutOrder(slice, indexToRemove)

fmt.Println("Slice after removing element without preserving order:", slice)

Please note that both of these methods create a new slice and do not modify the original slice. If you want to modify the original slice, you should pass a pointer to the slice or use the slice directly.

15. Reslicing

Reslicing in Go refers to creating a new slice based on an existing slice, specifying a specific subrange of elements. Reslicing allows you to work with a portion of a slice, modify boundaries, and access a subset of elements.

The syntax for reslicing is: `slice[start:end]`.

- `start` — the index of the element where the new slice begins (inclusive).
- `end` — the index of the element where the new slice ends (exclusive).

Examples of reslicing:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
// Original slice
slice := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

// Reslicing to get a sub-slice
subSlice := slice[1:4] // Including index 1, up to index 4 (exclusive)
fmt.Println("Subslice:", subSlice)

// Reslicing to modify boundaries
newSlice := slice[2:] // Starting from index 2 to the end of the slice
fmt.Println("Modified slice:", newSlice)

Note that reslicing creates a new slice that shares memory with the original slice. Changes made to the new slice will also be visible in the original slice and vice versa.

When reslicing, you can omit one or both indices to create a subslice from the beginning or to the end of the slice:

subSliceFromStart := slice[:3] // Reslice from the start to index 3 (exclusive)
subSliceToEnd := slice[2:] // Reslice from index 2 to the end

Remember that during reslicing, the boundaries will be validated, and you should not exceed the length of the slice.

16. How Hash Table Works

A hash table is a data structure that provides an efficient way to store and quickly retrieve key-value pairs. It is implemented using a hash function, which converts a key into an index in an internal array, where the corresponding value is stored. Thus, a hash table ensures fast data access based on the key.

Principles of hash table operation:

1. Hash Function: The key is transformed into a hash code, a numerical value of fixed length. The hash function should be fast and evenly distribute keys across the entire range of hash codes. This helps reduce collisions, which occur when different keys map to the same hash code.

2. Indexing: The hash code is used as an index to access an array (bucket) where the data is stored.

3. Collision Resolution: Collisions can occur when different keys map to the same hash code. Collision resolution can be achieved through various methods, such as chaining (placing elements with the same hash code into a linked list) or open addressing (searching for the nearest available slot).

Example of hash table operation:

1. The key “John” is transformed into a hash code.
2. The hash code is used as an index in the internal array.
3. The value “Doe” is stored at the corresponding index.

Advantages of a hash table:

- Fast data access (by key) on average in constant time (O(1)).
- Efficient use of memory.


- Collisions can lead to performance degradation.
- Does not guarantee element order.

In Go, hash tables are represented by the `map` type, which provides an implementation of a hash table for fast data retrieval and access by key. It’s important to choose a good hash function to minimize collisions and ensure the efficient operation of the hash table.

17. What is a bucket, and how many elements can be in a bucket?

In the context of hash tables and hash maps, a bucket is a portion of the internal array used to store elements with the same or colliding hash codes. Collision occurs when different keys result in the same hash code.

When resolving collisions using the chaining method, a bucket typically represents a linked list or another data structure that allows storing multiple elements with the same hash code. Each element in the chain is linked to another element through a pointer or reference.

The number of elements that can be in a single bucket depends on the implementation and structure of the hash table. In most standard libraries and programming languages, including Go, the size of a bucket dynamically adapts based on the number of elements and the current load on the hash table. As a bucket starts to fill up, the data structure automatically resizes the bucket or rebuilds the hash table to maintain efficient performance.

The number of elements in a bucket can vary widely depending on the data, hash table sizes, the hash function used, and the collision resolution algorithm. However, buckets usually don’t become overcrowded to ensure good search and insertion performance.

18. What do maps represent under-the-hood in Go?

Maps in Go represent hash tables under-the-hood. A hash table is a data structure designed for efficient value retrieval based on keys. Maps in Go are implemented using hash tables to provide efficient access to data.

Here’s how maps work under-the-hood in Go:

1. Hash Function: Each key in the map is transformed into a hash code using a hash function. A hash code is a numerical value that determines the index in the internal array where the value will be stored.

2. Internal Array (Buckets): The map contains an internal array (sometimes referred to as buckets), where each element of this array acts as a container for storing keys and values. In the case of collisions (when different keys produce the same hash code), elements with the same hash code can be placed in the same bucket (a chain).

3. Collisions: The collision resolution mechanism (how elements with the same hash code are handled) may vary in different map implementations. In Go, the chaining method is used, where elements with the same hash code are placed in the same bucket (linked list), or the open addressing method.

4. Dynamic Scaling: The size of the internal array (or the number of buckets) can automatically change when the map becomes too full or too empty. This allows for efficient memory utilization and high performance.

5. Performance: On average, insert, delete, and search operations in maps are performed in constant time (O(1)), making them very efficient for data manipulation.

Maps in Go provide a convenient interface for working with hash tables, allowing you to use any data type as a key if it supports comparison (such as strings or numbers). However, it’s important to note that maps do not guarantee the order of elements, and this should be taken into consideration when using them.

19. Collision resolution methods
Collision resolution methods are ways to handle situations where different keys map to the same hash code in a hash table. Collisions can occur due to the limited range of hash codes and the characteristics of the hash function. Various collision resolution methods exist to effectively manage this situation. Here are some of them:

1. Chaining:
In the chaining method, each bucket (index in the internal array) contains a linked list of elements with the same hash code. When a collision occurs, a new element is simply added to the end of the linked list.

2. Open Addressing:
Open addressing involves attempts to find the nearest available slot in the internal array. If the bucket corresponding to the hash code is already occupied, the element will be placed in the next available slot (hence the term “open addressing”). Different variants of open addressing exist, such as linear probing, quadratic probing, and double hashing.

3. Load Factor and Rehashing:
This method is not an alternative but rather a complement to other methods. When the number of elements in the hash table reaches a certain threshold (load factor), rehashing occurs, meaning a new hash table with a larger size is created. Then, all elements are rehashed into the new hash table. This reduces the likelihood of collisions and ensures even data distribution.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of method depends on the specific requirements of the task and the expected load on the hash table. In the Go programming language, maps use the chaining method for collision resolution, where elements with the same hash code are stored in linked lists.

20. What is data evacuation, and how to avoid it?

Data evacuation is the process of moving or transferring data from one memory region to another. This can occur, for example, in the context of working with dynamic memory, such as in garbage collection, where unused objects are removed, and memory is reclaimed.

In the context of garbage collection and memory management in programming languages like Go, data evacuation occurs when objects or data structures are moved from one memory region to another. This may be necessary to compact the used memory and create free space, especially when objects have been deleted or new memory has been allocated.

In Go, the garbage collector may perform data evacuation during the garbage collection cycle. Objects that remain in memory can be relocated to create contiguous blocks of free memory and prevent fragmentation.

To avoid frequent data evacuations and improve performance, you can apply the following approaches:

1. Minimize Frequent Memory Allocations: Reallocating memory (allocating new objects) can lead to frequent data evacuations. Consider using object pools or object reuse patterns to reduce the number of memory allocations and deallocations.

2. Preallocate Memory: If you know the expected volume of data in advance, preallocate memory with some margin to reduce the frequency of memory reallocations.

3. Use Small Objects: Large objects may lead to more frequent data evacuations. Try to use smaller objects or data structures to reduce the size of their movement.

4. Optimize Garbage Collection: Properly using the garbage collector and configuring garbage collection parameters can reduce the frequency of data evacuations. For example, in Go, you can adjust garbage collection parameters using environment variables or methods from the `runtime` package.

5. Profile and Analyze: Utilize profiling tools to analyze memory usage and data evacuations. This can help you identify areas where a lot of evacuation is taking place and optimize your code accordingly.

Understanding the process of data evacuation and applying effective memory management practices can help you avoid unnecessary memory reallocations and improve the performance of your application.

21. What is an interface as a structure?

The question is a bit inaccurately formulated, perhaps you mean “interface as a type”? If so, in a way, interfaces in Go can indeed be considered as structures.

In the Go programming language, an interface represents a set of methods that a type must implement to satisfy the interface. An interface defines a set of actions or behaviors that must be available in all types that implement the interface.

Interfaces in Go can be thought of as structures because they describe a “contract” or “abstraction” for types, without specifying their concrete implementation. They define which methods a type should have, but they do not dictate how these methods should be implemented.

Here’s an example of declaring an interface and using it:

package main

import "fmt"

// Interface definition
type Shape interface {
Area() float64

// Implementation of the interface for the Circle type
type Circle struct {
Radius float64

func (c Circle) Area() float64 {
return 3.14 * c.Radius * c.Radius

// Implementation of the interface for the Rectangle type
type Rectangle struct {
Width float64
Height float64

func (r Rectangle) Area() float64 {
return r.Width * r.Height

func main() {
// Using the interface
var s Shape

c := Circle{Radius: 5}
r := Rectangle{Width: 3, Height: 4}

s = c
fmt.Println("Circle area:", s.Area())

s = r
fmt.Println("Rectangle area:", s.Area())

In this example, `Shape` is an interface that defines the `Area()` method, and the `Circle` and `Rectangle` structures implement this method. You can assign instances of different structures that satisfy the interface to a variable of the interface type and call the methods defined by that interface.

22. What is an empty interface?

An empty interface in Go is a special type of interface that doesn’t have any defined methods. In other programming languages, it’s sometimes referred to as a “universal” or “generic” interface.

The syntax for an empty interface is as follows:


Since an empty interface doesn’t have any methods, any data type in Go automatically satisfies this interface. This allows you to use an empty interface as a container for storing values of different types.

An empty interface is useful when you need to pass or store data of various types without strict typing. For example, it is used when a function needs to accept arguments of different data types, or when you need to store different data types in a single collection like a slice or a map.

Here’s an example of using an empty interface:

package main

import "fmt"

func describe(i interface{}) {
fmt.Printf("Тип: %T, Значение: %v\n", i, i)

func main() {
var emptyInterface interface{}

emptyInterface = 42

emptyInterface = "Hello, Go!"

emptyInterface = []int{1, 2, 3}

In this example, the `describe` function takes an empty interface as an argument and prints the type and value of the passed value. You can pass values of different types to this function without explicitly specifying the argument type.

23. How can calling a method on a non-nil interface result in a nil pointer dereference error?

Calling a method on an interface that is not equal to nil will NOT result in a “nil pointer dereference” error in Go. If the method in the interface is associated with a pointer to a type, and the interface points to a nil pointer, the method will be successfully called and executed.

package main

import "fmt"

type MyInterface interface {

type MyStruct struct{}

func (m *MyStruct) Method() {
fmt.Println("Method called")

func main() {
var intf MyInterface

// Create an instance of the structure, but do not assign it to intf
var myStruct *MyStruct

// Assign a nil pointer to intf
intf = myStruct

// Call a method on an interface that is not equal to nil, but contains a nil pointer
intf.Method() // Prints "Method called"

Of course, there are many other questions that can arise, and they may vary, but here are the most frequently encountered ones among them. In the next article, we will continue the discussion, focusing on questions related to functions.