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Making JavaScript Functions Listen: Exploring Call, Apply, and Bind

Jayanth babu 53

How call, apply and bind works in JavaScript

In JavaScript, functions are blocks of reusable code that perform a specific task or set of tasks. They allow you to group code together, making your code more organized and easier to manage. Functions can take inputs, called parameters, and they can also return a value as an output.

Imagine you’re in a team of superheroes, and each hero has their unique power. But sometimes, you need to borrow a power or change how it works just for a moment. That’s what call, apply, and bind do for functions in JavaScript. They help you control when and how a function works, making your coding life a lot easier.

Before diving into the difference between call, apply and bind, we need to understand the value of this in different contexts

Now, let’s showcase how the this value changes within different contexts:

In JavaScript, the value of this inside a function is not fixed; it dynamically changes based on how the function is called. Although it can be confusing, it's important to understand this concept for using functions effectively, particularly with methods and different function-calling techniques.

Global Context:

The this keyword inside a function refers to the object that's currently executing the function. With a standalone function (like the one below), this usually points to the global object (often window in browsers).

The value of this inside standalone function

Here, this points to the global object, which is the browser's window object.

Method Context:

Here, this within the greet method refers to the person object, allowing you to access its properties.

The value of this inside object method

The need of call, apply and bind methods in JavaScript:

call, apply, and bind are three methods in JavaScript that allow you to control the context in which a function is executed. They provide ways to explicitly set the value of the this keyword and sometimes even provide arguments to the function. Here's an overview of their uses:

Call Method:

The call method in JavaScript is used to invoke a function with a specific value for the this keyword and a set of arguments provided individually. It allows you to borrow methods from one object and apply them to another, or to simply execute a function in a particular context. Here's how to use the call method and some considerations to keep in mind:


Call method Syntax
  • functionName: The name of the function you want to call.
  • thisValue: The value to which the this keyword should refer inside the called function.
  • arg1, arg2, ...: Optional arguments that are passed individually to the function being called.


Let’s say we have a function that prints a greeting based on a person’s name:

Now, we can create two objects with name properties and use the call method to invoke the greet function with different contexts:

Using the call method can be beneficial in scenarios where you need fine-grained control over the context in which a function is executed. However, it's important to use it thoughtfully and ensure that it enhances code readability and maintainability rather than complicating it.

Apply Method:

The apply method in JavaScript is similar to the call method, but instead of passing arguments individually, you provide an array (or an array-like object) of arguments to the function. This can be particularly useful when you have a variable number of arguments or want to apply an array of arguments to a function. Here's how to use the apply method and some considerations to keep in mind:


  • functionName: The name of the function you want to call.
  • thisValue: The value to which the this keyword should refer inside the called function.
  • arrayOfArguments: An array (or array-like object) containing the arguments to be passed to the function.


Let’s use the same greet function example from earlier, but this time, we'll use the apply method to provide an array of arguments:

Using the apply method can simplify passing an array of arguments to a function when needed. However, always ensure that the function signature matches the array of arguments you're providing, and consider whether the use of apply enhances code clarity or introduces unnecessary complexity.

Bind method

The bind method in JavaScript creates a new function with a permanently bound context (this value). This bound function, when invoked, will always have the specified context, regardless of how it's called. This is helpful when you want to make a new function that keeps a certain context, usually when using functions as callbacks or event handlers. How to use the bind method and some considerations to keep in mind:


  • functionName: The name of the function you want to bind.
  • thisValue: The value to which the this keyword should be permanently set inside the bound function.
  • arg1, arg2, ...: Optional arguments that are bound to the created function.


Here’s an example using the greet function with multiple arguments and how to achieve similar behavior using the bind method:

In this example, we’re using the bind method to create two new bound functions, boundGreetPerson1 and boundGreetPerson2. These functions have a permanently set context (this value) and preset arguments. When invoked, they produce the same output as the call method example you provided.

Considerations and Best Practices:

here are some overall considerations and best practices to keep in mind when using the call, apply, and bind methods in JavaScript:

  1. Understand the Context: Before utilizing call, apply, or bind, ensure a clear understanding of the context in which your function will be executed. The effectiveness of these methods depends on correctly setting the desired context.
  2. Performance Consideration: In some cases, using these methods might have a slight performance overhead compared to regular function calls. While this is negligible, it’s worth considering when optimizing for performance-critical sections of code.
  3. Use bind for Event Listeners: bind is particularly useful when setting up event listeners. It allows you to ensure that the callback function is executed with the desired context, regardless of how the event triggers the function.
  4. Consider ES6 and Arrow Functions: With the introduction of ES6 features like arrow functions, the need for bind in certain scenarios may decrease. Arrow functions inherently retain the lexical context, making binding less necessary.

In this example, we have a class Example that defines a print method and sets up event listeners for two buttons. The first button uses the bind method to explicitly bind the print method's context to the Example instance. This ensures that when the event listener is triggered, this inside the print method points to the correct object.

The second button uses an arrow function for its event listener. Arrow functions inherently capture their enclosing context, so when the arrow function invokes the print method, this still refers to the Example instance.

Both approaches achieve the same goal of preserving context, but the arrow function offers a more concise and often preferred syntax for maintaining context without the need for explicit binding.


In the realm of JavaScript, call, apply, and bind are your trusty allies. With them, you can command functions to dance to your tune. Whether it's adjusting contexts or crafting custom arguments, these methods empower you to take control and write more versatile code.

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