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Real-Life RBAC Examples: How Major Companies Secure Their Systems


Programming > RBAC (Role Based Access Control)

Real-Life RBAC Examples: How Major Companies Secure Their Systems | Tushar Kanjariya
Real-Life RBAC Examples: How Major Companies Secure Their Systems

Hello Developers 👋,
In today’s digital age, where data security and privacy are paramount, managing access to resources within an organization’s systems has become a crucial task.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is a widely used approach that provides a structured and efficient way to manage who has access to what in a system.

In this article, We will understand what is RBAC and explore how big companies like Google, Amazon, and other banking sites use and get better secure their systems.

👉 What is RBAC (Role-Based Access Control)

RBAC is a security model that defines access permissions based on the roles that users have within an organization.

It revolves around the idea that users are assigned roles, and these roles are associated with specific access rights.

This approach simplifies access management by categorizing users into predefined roles and granting permissions based on those roles.

In a few words, Your system has a set of roles based on modules that user has access permissions as per his/her position (Like Admin, User, etc.).

👉 Components of RBAC

  1. Roles: Roles are predefined sets of permissions that define what actions a user with that role can perform within a system. For example, in a hospital management system, roles could be “Doctor,” “Nurse,” and “Administrator.”
  2. Permissions: Permissions are the individual actions or operations that a user can perform, such as “Read,” “Write,” “Delete,” or “Execute.” These permissions are associated with specific resources, such as files, databases, or applications.
  3. Users: Users are individuals who interact with the system. Each user is assigned one or more roles that determine their level of access.

👉 How RBAC Used in Big Company’s systems

We will explore real-life RBAC examples from major companies and explore how they effectively secure their systems.

💻 Example 1: Google
Google, a tech giant renowned for its diverse services, relies heavily on RBAC to protect its extensive infrastructure.

Imagine a scenario in which Google employs multiple teams, each responsible for a specific service like Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Ads. In this case, Google implements RBAC by assigning roles to individuals based on their responsibilities.

Role: System Administrator

  • Responsibilities: Manage and configure the servers hosting Google services.
  • Permissions: Access to critical server settings, configurations, and monitoring tools.

Role: Developer

  • Responsibilities: Code and deploy updates for a specific service.
  • Permissions: Access to the source code repository, development environment, and deployment tools.

Role: Customer Support

  • Responsibilities: Assist users with service-related issues.
  • Permissions: Access to user accounts for troubleshooting, but without the ability to modify server configurations.

By defining these roles and their associated permissions, Google ensures that only authorized users can perform specific actions within their designated areas. This practice not only enhances security but also streamlines workflow processes.

💻 Example 2: Amazon
Amazon, an e-commerce seller, deals with an immense volume of sensitive customer data daily. RBAC plays a pivotal role in safeguarding this data and maintaining customer trust.

Role: Order Fulfillment

  • Responsibilities: Process and ship customer orders.
  • Permissions: Access to order details, inventory management, and shipping logistics.

Role: Financial Analyst

  • Responsibilities: Analyze financial data and generate reports.
  • Permissions: Access to financial databases and reporting tools.

Role: Customer Service Representative

  • Responsibilities: Assist customers with inquiries and issues.
  • Permissions: Access to customer profiles and order information for support purposes.

Amazon employs RBAC to ensure that employees can only access the information necessary for their specific tasks. This not only secures customer data but also reduces the risk of unauthorized access and potential data breaches.

💻 Example 3: Banking Institution
Financial institutions handle highly sensitive personal and financial information, making RBAC an indispensable part of their security strategies.

Role: Teller

  • Responsibilities: Process customer transactions, deposits, and withdrawals.
  • Permissions: Access to customer accounts and transaction history within their branch.

Role: Loan Officer

  • Responsibilities: Evaluate loan applications and approve/disapprove loans.
  • Permissions: Access to credit scores, financial histories, and loan processing systems.

Role: Compliance Officer

  • Responsibilities: Ensure the bank’s operations comply with regulatory standards.
  • Permissions: Access to audit logs, compliance databases, and reporting tools.

By strictly controlling access based on roles, banking institutions prevent unauthorized individuals from accessing sensitive financial data. This RBAC approach supports regulatory compliance and maintains the integrity of customer information.

👉 Benefits of RBAC

Here are the following benefits of using RBAC in digital systems.

  1. Access Control Simplification: RBAC streamlines access management by grouping users into roles, reducing the complexity of assigning permissions to individual users.
  2. Granular Permissions: RBAC allows for fine-tuned control over permissions. Instead of managing individual user permissions, administrators can manage roles and their associated permissions.
  3. Scalability: As organizations grow, managing access can become challenging. RBAC scales well because new users can be assigned existing roles, and new roles can be created to accommodate changes in responsibilities.
  4. Security: RBAC minimizes the risk of unauthorized access. Users only have access to the resources required for their roles, reducing the attack surface.
  5. Auditing and Compliance: RBAC makes it easier to audit user actions and track who accessed what resources, aiding in compliance with regulations.


Role-Based Access Control is a powerful approach to managing access to resources in various systems.

By organizing users into roles and associating permissions with those roles, RBAC simplifies administration, enhances security, and ensures compliance.

Whether in software applications, healthcare, or finance, RBAC’s applicability is vast and essential in today’s security-conscious world.

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