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Tailwind CSS and Next.js: Best Practices and Expert Advice

GCodeTech( Ishfa ) 43

Tailwind CSS and Next.js: Best Practices and Expert Advice

This is for all developers and development teams while working with Tailwind CSS Nextjs in the projects

GCodeTech( Ishfa )
JavaScript in Plain English
5 min read1 day ago


Tailwind CSS Next.js Tips
Tailwind CSS Next.js Tips


In this tutorial, I am going to discuss and explain some expert tips and advice for developers and development teams which will help them while working with Tailwind CSS Next.js technologies.

Tips for developers and development team

  1. Keep Your Components Small and Focused: Firstly while working on the project you can divide your app into reusable and small components and this strategy will help you to maintain the principles of the component-based UI design.
  2. Leverage Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Secondly, Next.js excels are server-side rendering(SSR) and basically, it is a kind of backend framework. You can use this approach for pages that help you from it like if the content is required to implement dynamic generated on the server.
// src/pages/index.js
import React from 'react';

function HomePage({ data }) {
return (
<h1>This is Server-Side Rendered Page(SSR)</h1>

export async function getServerSideProps() {
// Fetch data from an API / database
const data = 'Data has been fetched on the server';
return {
props: { data },

export default HomePage;

3. Lazy Load Images: You have to be sure to use built-in Image component to optimize image loading in Next.js because it can automatically apply lazy loading and responsive image loading for improved performance.

// src/components/ImageLazy.js
import Image from 'next/image';

function ImageLazy({ src, alt }) {
return <Image src={src} alt={alt} width={700} height={400} loading="lazy" />;

export default ImageLazy;

4. Optimize for Performance: It is important to check regularly app performance and in this case, you can use tools like Lighthouse or Google PageSpeed Insights. Make ensure to purge unused CSS in production while using the Tailwind CSS utility-first approach because sometimes results in larger CSS files. You can also add the following code in next.config.js the file.