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The Secret Variadic Functions in .NET/C# 🔐

LeadEngineer 43

The Secret Variadic Functions in .NET/C# 🔐

Software Interview Question: Junior To Senior

Level Up Coding
Published in
3 min read2 days ago


You enter Zoom.

The interviewer is staring directly to your camera lagging eyes and asks…

Can you create a function in C#, which can accept varying arguments?

What? Varying?

Huuh, I know the answer to that. I have to give the LeadEngineer a huge thanks when the interview ends.

Yea, that will be you, the next time you get this question.

This is a question given for a senior level software engineer. With that said, the only thing left be told would be…

Place your booty in a comfortable position and Let’s Get Right Into It!


In the programming, it is often crucial to create versatile and adaptable functions to handle various scenarios efficiently.

One way to achieve this is by implementing variadic functions, which are functions that can accept a varying number of arguments. C#, a versatile language, allows you to create such functions using a combination of language features and techniques.

In this article, we will delve into the concept of variadic functions in C#, discussing their implementation, applications, and providing two real-world examples to illustrate their use at a senior level.

Understanding Variadic Functions 🔑

Variadic functions, also known as functions with a variable number of arguments, are incredibly powerful for solving problems where the number of inputs may change dynamically.

In C#, this can be achieved through the use of parameter arrays and the params keyword.

public void MyVariadicFunction(params object[] arguments)
// Function logic here

In the code above, the params keyword allows you to pass a variable number of arguments of type object.

This means that you can pass any number of arguments to the function, and they will be treated as an array of objects.

I love giving real world examples. I think this is how one learns the best.