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Trimming the Docker Image: How I Made My Docker Images Slimmer with Vite, React, and Multi-Stage…

A K S 60

Docker Image with and without Multistage build

Ever felt your Docker images are wearing a few extra layers? I’ve been there. Dockerizing sample Vite + React app used to result in a chunky image. But then, I was introduced to multi-stage builds and everything changed. Let’s dive in, starting from the very beginning!

Step 1: Setting Up a React App with Vite

Before we even touch Docker, let’s get our React app up and running with Vite:

  • Create a New Project: Kickstart your React project with:
npm create vite@latest my-react-app -- --template vue --template react
Select React
Select Javascript
  • Navigate and Start:
cd my-react-app
npm install
npm run dev
React App running on localhost

Voilà! You should have a React app running smoothly with Vite.

Step 2: The Good Ol’ Dockerfile

Quick tip — before creating the Docker image:

If you want to run the app with Docker, you need to modify the vite.config.js present in your project.

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';

export default defineConfig({
plugins: [react()],
server: {
watch: {
usePolling: true,
host: true, // needed for the Docker Container port mapping to work
strictPort: true,
port: 5173, // you can replace this port with any port

Now, Here’s the Dockerfile I initially used for my Vite + React project:

FROM node
COPY package.json .
RUN npm i
COPY . .
CMD ["npm", "run", "dev"]

Build the docker image:

docker build -t my-vite-react-app .

It’s straightforward, but the image size? A whopping 1.24 GB+.

Step 3: Slimming Down with Multi-Stage Builds

Multi-stage builds let us use multiple FROM statements in our Dockerfile. This means one stage for building and another for running, only carrying forward the essentials.

Here’s the revamped Dockerfile:

# ---- Build Stage ----
FROM node:latest AS build
COPY package.json .
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build

# ---- Runtime Stage ----
FROM node:alpine
# Install serve globally
RUN npm install -g serve
COPY --from=build /app/dist /app/dist

CMD ["serve", "-s", "dist", "-l", "5173"]

Build the docker image:

docker build -t my-vite-react-app-multistage .

See how the image size shrinks for the same app from 1.24 GB to 191.4 MB.

The magic:

  1. Build Stage: We use the standard Node image, get our dependencies, and build our app.
  2. Runtime Stage: We switch to the lightweight node:alpine, grab only the essentials, and install just the production dependencies.

Step 4: The Results

After this makeover, our Docker image went from chunky to sleek, shedding several hundred megabytes. Faster deployments, less bandwidth, and a happier DevOps (that’s me!).

Wrapping Up:

Starting with Vite for React and ending with a slim Docker image, we’ve journeyed through efficient app development and deployment. If you’re about to Dockerize your Vite + React app, remember: in the Docker world, less is often more!

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