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Update Your React Native App to the Latest API Level 33.

Shivam Thaker 177

Though it is a simple process sometimes it takes too much time to find simple solutions, I am writing this blog so that you can do it fast.

After google gives Target API level requirements dedline.(we are delaying the enforcement deadline for app discoverability from August 31, 2023. You can continue to request an extension if you need more time to update your app to target API level 33). So many developer stuck how upload new version in play console.

Developer stuck because if update react native version that’s time need to update so many library & it’s time taking.

Inside “android/build.gradle” replace existing code with the below code, buildToolsVersion(If minSdkVersion 33 then set buildToolsVersion = “33.0.0 ) & different google service version set according your need.

Setup version according above

Open Android SDK Manager:

  • If you’re using Android Studio, you can open the SDK Manager by clicking on “File” > “Settings” (or “Android Studio” > “Preferences” on macOS).
  • In the Settings window, go to “Appearance & Behavior” > “System Settings” > “Android SDK.”

Select API Level 34:

  • In the Android SDK Manager, you’ll see a list of different API levels. Look for API Level 34 and check the box next to it.

Download Components:

  • Once you’ve selected API Level 34, the SDK Manager will show you the specific components that are available for download.
  • Typically, you’ll need to download the “SDK Platform” for API Level 34. This contains the necessary libraries and tools to develop for this API level.
  • You might also want to download the “Google APIs” if your app uses any Google services.

Apply and Download:

  • After selecting the components you want to download, click the “Apply” or “OK” button. The SDK Manager will initiate the download process.

If you install react-native reanimated then open “babel.config.js” and add below. If your project needed otherwise not required.

module.exports = {
presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],
plugins: ['react-native-reanimated/plugin'],

In Plain English

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