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Why You Should Stop using div !

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Why You Should Stop Using div

JavaScript in Plain English
4 min read22 hours ago


Hello Guys!

As a junior React developer, it’s easy to fall into the habit of using the <div> tag as a catch-all container for your components. However, this practice can lead to problems such as:

  • Issues with CSS
  • Overnested Components
  • Accessibility Issues
  • Component Reusability

We will explore what alternatives you can use instead (Fragment and semantic tags).

Problems with using div elements:

  1. Accessibility: Overuse of the <div> tag can make it difficult for screen readers to navigate your content. Using more semantic HTML elements can improve accessibility for readers.
  2. Invalid HTML: Using div elements to wrap other elements can lead to invalid HTML, which can affect SEO.
  3. Maintainability: When you use <div> tags for everything, it can be difficult to keep track of what each <div> is doing. This can make your code harder to maintain and debug.
  4. Increases the size of the HTML DOM: When we use div elements to wrap other elements, we end up with unnecessary divs being rendered into the real DOM. This can cause the size of the HTML DOM to increase, which can lead to high memory usage, style processing to lag, and slow page rendering.
  5. Decreased performance: When we use div elements to wrap other elements, we end up with more elements in the HTML DOM, which can decrease performance.

Alternatives to Using div in React

There are several alternatives to using the <div> tag in React. Here are some of the most common alternatives:

Section Elements: The <section> element can be used to group related content together. This can make your code more readable and maintainable

Fragment : Is a feature in React that allows us to group a list of children without adding extra nodes to the DOM.

Fragments are a better alternative to using div elements because they don’t increase the size of the HTML DOM and don’t lead to invalid HTML. Here’s an example of how to use Fragment:

import React, { Fragment } from 'react';

function MyComponent() {
return (
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph</p>

Main Elements: The <main> element can be used to indicate the main content of a page. This can make your code more semantic and accessible

Semantic tags:

Semantic tags are HTML tags that have a specific meaning.

Using semantic tags can improve the accessibility and SEO of a website. In React, we can use semantic tags by importing them from the HTML library and using them in our components. Here’s an example of how to use semantic tags:

import React from 'react';
import { header, nav, main, article, section, aside, footer } from 'html';

function MyComponent() {
return (
<h1>Article Title</h1>
<p>Article content goes here</p>
<h2>Related Articles</h2>
<li>Article 1</li>
<li>Article 2</li>
<li>Article 3</li>
<p>Copyright © 2023</p>

Footer Elements: The <footer> element can be used to indicate the footer of a page. This can make your code more semantic and accessible

Bottom Line

Using div elements to wrap other elements in React can lead to problems such as invalid HTML, increased DOM size, and decreased performance. Instead, we should use Fragment and semantic tags to improve the accessibility and SEO of our websites. By using these features, we can write cleaner and more efficient code in React.

Happy Coding!
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